He’s also a born collector; fascinated by Latin American and Native American art, Martindale began collecting at age twelve. Before launching the LA Art Show, he worked at Sotheby’s.

West Hollywood’s George Stern Fine Art is among the show’s many fine exhibitors. Stern’s specialty is California art from 1880-1950, and the gallerist’s choice exhibit this year will be a 1916 William Wendt painting of La Cañada depicting the area when it was still farm country—no freeways, no buildings.  “It shows post-impressionist influences—loose brush strokes, juxtaposition of color, emphasis on lighting,” says Stern. “I’m using it because there are compositional elements in this painting that are fine examples of Wendt’s techniques. I also think it’s a beautiful painting.”

While Martindale sees the trend in art going mainly contemporary—“The cutting-edge contemporary artists are selling at exorbitant prices,” he says—he’s as excited as Stern about the future for California artists. “I really see the marketplace moving to Latin America, Asia, and the West Coast,” he asserts. “California will be the center of that movement.”  –Lisa Stahl


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