Fjallraven Kanken Daypack


Fjallraven Kanken Daypack This is the backpack of the moment, a Swedish bag originally designed for local schoolchildren back in 1978. Still, as a result of its clean lines, solid construction and plethora of available colors, it slowly made its way to the first rank of fashion. Nor does it hurt that most prices range […]

Oxford University is Older than the Aztec Empire!

Oxford University is Older than the Aztec Empire!

The Aztec Empire, the ancient, great state that controlled much of what today is Mexico, was founded in the misty past, with the settling of its capital Tenochtitlán in 1325 AD. That’s definitely a long time ago. Nonetheless, Oxford University in England began teaching students in 1096 AD, and the university was officially founded in […]

CIA At Greystone – Napa

[caption id="attachment_1795" align="alignnone" width="577"]Students in the CIA at Greystone’s teaching kitchen. Photo credit: Keith Ferris/The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone.[/caption]

By Jeff Marinelli 

And Westin Verasa Napa

Greystone, the Culinary Institute of America’s prestigious outpost in the Napa Valley, is a gorgeous tufa-stone edifice, the retrofitted former site of Christian Brothers Winery in St. Helena. The architecture is Romanesque; grand arches, cathedral ceilings and jutting towers set the scene.